  1. Latros Farms
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atros Farms
Written by Steve Owens, Jerry Salley, and Steve Greene
Producer: Jerry Salley
Musicians :
Cody Kilby: Guitar and Banjo
Jason Roller: Mandolin and Fiddle
Evan Winsor: Bass
Josh Matheny: Dobro
Harmony vocals: Jerry Salley
It was written about a friend of Steve Owens, Jerry Hamill's farm name .. when Farmer Hamill's daughters were growing up, he always told them that whatever they were faced with in life, no matter the circumstances, they should LOVE ALL THE TIME RAIN OR SHINE. That phrase is where LATROS comes from. Unfortunately, Farmer Hamill passed away 2 weeks after this song was written. Jerry Hamill lived in Halifax County, North Carolina, and was a successful well-respected leader in agriculture.